Savannah Crossing Homeowners,
The HOA is excited to announce that Terra Properties, Inc is officially providing property management services to Savannah
Crossing sub-division!
As our sub-division counties to grow the HOA has allocated budget to hire Terra Properties to help facilitate and streamline the
day to day duties and operations of associate business under the direction of the Savannah Crossing Homeowner Associate
Board. As our association management company, Terra Properties will be collecting the annual dues, obtaining and vetting
bids for lawn and landscaping purposes, verifying invoices for payment, preparing financial reports, advising on city, state and
federal compliance among other things.
Laurie Raymond specifically is a state licenses Community Associate Manager for Terra Properties and our contact for the sub-
division. Laurie as well as Terra Properties bring a wealth of knowledge and the HOA is very grateful to have their services.
Likewise, Terra Properties is excited to serve the management needs of the Savannah Crossing sub-division.
In the next weeks, you will receive an email communication from Laurie with the reminder for the 2018 annual associate dues
of $125, along with how and where to make this payment. If we do not have an email on file for you, Terra Properties will
follow up with post letter of dues.
Feel free to contact Laurie Raymond with Terra Properties at or the board at with any questions.
Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association Board