June 7, 2010 Meeting Minutes

TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Budget, Bylaws, Developers, Dues, Landscaping, Lawn Care, Marquees, Newsletter, Notices, Officer Roles, Social Events, Website



June 7, 2010

Location: Nancy Dunn’s Home in Savannah Crossing, Glen Carbon, IL

President, Alex Rigoni, called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.


Alex Rigoni, President
Sherri Guardiola, Secretary
Marla Stermon, Treasury
EmilyThouvenot, Board Member
Nancy Dunn, Board Member
Carrie Cohan
Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster
Nikki Varvel


Marty Rhine, Board Member
Aaron Heepke, Vice President


Marla contacted Ron Lowery (Attorney for RLP), regarding builders who have not paid their HOA dues.  Ron stated that he would contact the builders to obtain payment. In the meantime, those builders will be issued a Final Notice, explaining the lien process.

Some of our homeowners have only received their first invoice, while others have received their second invoice.  This overlap happened, due to the first invoice being distributed, while still trying to identify other homeowners.  We still have seven homeowners, who have not paid their HOA dues.  It was decided that we would distribute one more letter, hoping to avoid any lien procedures.  The homeowners who received the first invoice will receive a second one.  The homeowners who received the second notice will be sent a Final Notice, explaining the lien process, additional late fees, and certified letter fees.  The Final Notices will be sent by certified mail to assure that they were received.


Alex suggested that the HOA pay for the meat and bounce house of approximately $300, based on last year’s information.  It was a unanimous vote that the HOA pay for the meat and bounce house of approximately $300.  The meats will be: Burgers, Hot Dogs and possibly Chicken.  The $300 would also include all plastic utensils and paper products.  There will be approximately three barbeque grills set up in the area, for cooking all the meat.  The meat will be cooked by volunteer homeowners, at the Block Party.  Gas for running those grills will be waived by the owners of the grills. Alex suggested we have an agenda prepared to distribute to homeowners at the HOA Meeting/Block Party.  Suggestions for the agenda were: By Laws, Covenants, Budget, and Future Meetings.


Alex suggested, we copy the by-laws, followed by Ebbets Field Subdivision.  Their by-laws were much easier to understand and more detailed.  We had a unanimous vote to copy Ebbett’s Field Subdivision’s by-laws.  Matt will remove the old by-laws from our website and replace them with the new by-laws for publication to all homeowners.


Marla distributed a list of all bills received and paid, which included: Lawn Care, Electric Bills, Water Bills, Website Fees, and Public Sign Purchase.  Alex will check on a possible timer for the pump at the entrance to help maintain our electric bills.  Alex stated that rather than pay someone to change the bulbs, he will do this himself, at no charge.  The committee discussed checking on insurance for the monument at the entrance, the minimal fee for water, cost to turn on/off pump for water at the entrance, when it is not necessary.


Matt will update the Newsletter and the By-Laws.  He will distribute pass codes, to all members of the board, so they can access the website and make changes.  He will also create a contact form on the website for homeowners.


Nancy purchased two signs and two storage boxes (to hold all the lettering) to be placed at both entrances of the subdivision.  The purpose of these signs is to inform homeowners of HOA important information or events.  Guest, Nikki placed the information on the signs to be displayed, advertising our HOA Annual Block Party.  Alex will be displaying the signs soon.  Nancy submitted a bill for the signs/storage boxes, for reimbursement. We are asking for a volunteer to keep and manage these signs in their home.


The lawn is being maintained, cut, weeded, fertilized, etc. by J.&K.Turf Pro.  We need to monitor the frequency of service during the summer months, so as to not be overcharged any unnecessary mowing.


The committee has decided to advertise on our website for a Landscaping Committee to be formed.  We would like to get volunteers who like to garden/flower etc., to help beautify our monument.  Tasks would likely include planting flowers, weeding, mulching, etc.


Ying Shang has resigned as a Board Member, leaving us with two Board Member positions to fill.  The committee voted to elect Carrie Cohan as a Board Member (Motion made by Marla and seconded by Alex-none opposed).  The committee voted to elect Andrew Chitwood as a Board Member (Motion was made by Nancy and seconded by Emily-none opposed).  Aaron Heepke has been acting Vice President to date.  The committee voted to elect Aaron Heepke as Vice President (Motion was made by Sherri and seconded by Nancy-none opposed).


The committee agreed to have quarterly meetings.  The next meeting will be on June 26, 2010.

Motion to adjourn by Nancy and seconded by Alex.  Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.