September 29, 2010 Board Meeting

TOPIC SUMMARY: Budget, Bylaws, Covenants, Developers, Dues, Flags, Landscaping, Lawn Care, Lighting, Meeting Planning, Mowing, Newsletter, Notices, Social Events, Violations, Website, Winterization



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Location: Glen Carbon Community Center

President, Alex Rigoni, called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m.


Alex Rigoni, President
Sherri Guardiola, Secretary
Andrew Chitwood, Board Member
Carrie Cohan, Board Member
Emily Thouvenot, Board Member


Aaron Heepke, Vice President
Marla Stermon, Treasury
Marty Rhine, Board Member
Nancy Dunn, Board Member



Minutes were read by President, Alex Rigoni, from the June 26th meeting. Sherri motioned and Emily seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes.

Treasury Report

The Treasury Report was read by President, Alex Rigoni, on behalf of Treasurer, Marla Stermon, who could not be present.

Dues status update (A budget sheet was distributed to all present, showing the balance of Savannah Crossing HOA. The balance is $3,263.09 as of 9/15/10.)

Overdue dues/lien accounts payable (We have one homeowner who is in violation of the covenant, regarding HOA dues, not being paid. The homeowner was issued two letters and one certified letter. Sherri contacted the agency that is associated with this home and found out that the home is going into foreclosure, so the lien process has been disregarded.)

Accounts receivable: (Expenses will be posted on website.)
Review YTD expenses
Forecast remaining expenses
Looking ahead to 2011 expenses
Monument Insurance (Carrie volunteered to investigate the cost of the insurance for the entrance monument.)

Overall budget health

By-laws (Sherri)

The by-laws were implemented at the 6/26/2010 meeting. The only change made, was the number of members that would be accepted to the HOA Board of Directors.

Lawn Mowing (Alex)

J.K. Turf Pro status update (They seem to be doing a good job. Their frequency appears to be appropriate.)

Monument Maintenance (Alex/Aaron)

Need a few bulbs replaced (Alex will replace the bulbs himself and turn in receipts to Marla for reimbursement.)

Postponing landscaping until next year (It was decided that we would end landscaping around the monument until next year, when when there is an increase in funds, especially, since fall is approaching.)

Need to winterize the sprinkler system soon (Alex will find out how and who to contact to get a company to care for our sprinkler system at the main entrance.)

Timer for water pump (Alex stated he would investigate a timer for the water pump.)

Form landscaping committee in Spring 2011 (It was agreed to go ahead and advertise for five new committees: landscaping, social, communications, welcoming and neighborhood watch. Sherri has typed up a newsletter for Matt to publish on our website asking for volunteers for these committees.)

Website (Matt)

Newsletter updates (Sherri, has volunteered to temporarily continue preparing the newsletters until a Communications Committee is formed.)

Resident contact form (Matt, is doing some renovating on our current website. He is planning to transfer the website over to his own personal server to help with the publication of the Savannah Crossing Website.)

Incorporate a sign up list for committee events to the website (new business below) Once Matt, gets the website moved to his own personal web server, he will create an online sign up box for homeowners, so they can sign up for a particular committee, online.)


Covenants and Restrictions Violations (Ron)

Commercial Vehicles (Sherri, stated that she had been in contact with Ron Lowery, Attorney for RLP, in regards to the proper procedure for the Board to take, regarding having the POD removed from a resident’s driveway that has been there for an extended period of time. Ron conveyed to Sherri that he had the letter ready to go in the mail as of Friday, 9/29/2010. Sherri is not sure of the contents of the letter or how long the homeowner has to rectify the violation. She will follow through with Ron to see if the Board could receive a copy of the letter and how long the resident was given to fix the situation.)

Builder’s responsibilities (Builders are building above the covenant’s stated dwelling size and they are building on higher ground without a better drainage system to neighboring homeowners. This was tabled temporarily, since Ron was not present to explain the legal issues. Alex will contact Ron or Rob from RLP, to obtain information on this to be presented at the next meeting.)

RLP granting variances without SC HOA approval (The Board expressed concern with regards to RLP granting variances without Savannah Crossing HOA approval. The Board’s concern was whether the covenant is a binding contract, whether the procedure is legal, and whether the HOA should at least be notified about the changes in the covenant.)

Vandalism (Sherri presented concern over a robbery that had taken place in our community.)

Neighborhood Watch (It was agreed that we begin a neighborhood watch program in our community. Postings will be made asking for volunteers to begin the neighborhood watch committee. Board Member, Carrie Cohan, suggested that we at least make a call to the police department and have them come to our community to discuss some safety tips.)

Tree Trimming (Sherri presented on behalf of Marty Rhine that there was an issue with J.K. Turf Pro. not trimming around a tree which is located near his property. Alex said he will contact the service to make sure they understand that this area is part of the common area that needs to be maintained.)

Composting (Andrew)

Neighborhood Yard (Board Member, Andrew Chitwood, asked the Board whether something could be done about a neighbor who has a garden that appears less than 20 feet from neighboring lot lines. This neighbor has been composting as well, and the odor from the composting is an issue for neighbors in the area. Alex stated that the Board would investigate the issue and see if the neighbor is in violation of the covenant so proper action could be taken. A clause from our covenant was read and it stated the following:

No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, or garbage. Trash, rubbish and garbage, or other wastes, shall not be kept, except in sanitary containers located inside the dwelling house, except on collection days, when said sanitary containers may be placed near the platted streets for collection. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood and Garden plots shall be allowed in the rear of each yeard of each lot, not along any street, and at no other place, but shall be located at least 20 feet from any Lot line.

Welcoming Committee

Sherri suggested that we advertise for a welcoming committee to help new homeowners with information as they settle into our community. It was suggested that we advertise on both the marquee and the website asking for volunteers.)

Halloween Event

Sherri suggested that we have an annual community Halloween Fest for the children. It was suggested that we ask for volunteers to start a committee as soon as possible to see if we could get one together within the next 30 days. If not, then we will try to get it together for next year. Suggestions for a variety of activities were given that include hayrides, hot dogs, drinks, face painting, parades, costume contests, trick or treating, games, prizes, bounce house, straw fort, maze, goodies, etc. The board agreed to advertise on both the marquee and the website for a Social Committee to begin planning this event.

Flag at Main Entrance

It was brought up by a resident at the meeting that the US Flag needed to be replaced, at the main entrance. Sherri stated that Board Member, Nancy Dunn, had either purchased a new flag or was looking into purchasing a new flag.)

Savannah Crossing Meetings

It was suggested that the Board Meetings be set up in advance, and not changed once the date was set, allowing homeowners ample time to make arrangements to be present.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

A date for the next meeting has been set for December 7th, 8:00pm, at the Glen Carbon Community Center and it will be advertised on both the marquee and the website in advance. It was agreed that the Board would meet on a quarterly basis.