December 7, 2010 Meeting Minutes

TOPIC SUMMARY: Budget, Drainage, Flags, Insurance, Landscaping, Lawn Care, Lighting, Meeting Planning, Notices, Safety, Social Events, Violations, Website, Welcoming Packets, Winterization, Yard Sales



December 7, 2010 (Tuesday)

Location: Glen Carbon Community Center in Glen Carbon, IL

President Alex Rigoni called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.


Alex Rigoni, President
Aaron Heepke, Vice President
Sherri Guardiola, Secretary
EmilyThouvenot, Board Member
Andrew Chitwood, Board Member
Nancy Dunn, Board Member
Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster


Marla Stermon, Treasury
Carrie Cohan, Board Member
Marty Rhine, Board Member


Stacey Ritter (Welcome Committee-CoChair)
Jamie McKillips (Social Committee-Chair)
Chief David Bradford (Glen Carbon Police Department)
Davin Guardiola
Paul Hurley



The Annual Garage Sale update was presented by Emily Thouvenot. Emily stated that the garage sale was pretty successful considering it was the first one and the time of year it was held.  There were approximately nine residents who participated and several of those residents did extremely well. An ad was placed in the newspaper as well as posting signs at 162 and by Walmart. The next garage sale is planned for Spring (April 15-17, Friday-Sunday). Reusable signs were purchase and will be stored for future garage sales.

The Halloween Event was postponed until next year because of getting a late start on the planning.


Minutes from September 29, 2010, were read by Alex Rigoni (Motion to be approved by Emily-Seconded by Aaron)

Treasury Report

Treasury Report was read by Alex Rigoni on behalf of Marla Stermon who could not be present.
Balance as of 12/6/10 was $2,700.36
Projection for bills through April was:
$20-$100 per month for Electric
$20-$50 per month for Water

Welcoming Committee

Welcome Committee update was presented by Stacey Ritter (Co-Chair).

A “Welcome Letter” along with our Savannah Crossing website has been created and is ready for distribution to new homeowners.

A “Welcome Packet” has been created and is ready for distribution to new homeowners (The “Welcome Packet” will contain all sorts of resources, contact names and addresses to new homeowners).

A post card will be distributed with the “Welcome Packet” asking for contact information on new homeowners so we can add them to our mailing list and database.

Social Committee

Social Committee update was presented by Jamie McKillips (Chair).

Jamie addressed the Board about volunteers to judge the Christmas Decorating Contest on Thursday evening, December 16th.  Judges who volunteered will be: Alex Rigoni, Aaron Heepke and Jamie McKillips.

Jamie addressed the Board about a possible fundraiser to help the community raise more money (Alex will research this proposal before putting it into motion).

Jamie will be advertising for three new events in January: Bunco, Poker and a Book Club. She will be utilizing the Marquee, the website and Flyers for advertisement.

Landscaping Committee

Landscaping Committee update was presented by Andrew Chitwood (Chair).

Three new Flags were put up: United States, Illinois and Glen Carbon.

Andrew replaced three bulbs, with a lower wattage, at the entrance.

Landscaping has been put on hold till spring.

The sprinkler system has been winterized.

The landscaping committee will research pricing for a timer for water pump in the spring.

The landscaping committee will oversee JK Turf Pro to make sure they continue to do a good job and to make sure they cover areas that need to be covered.

Monument Insurance was to be presented by Carrie Cohan, who was not present at the meeting so it was tabled to the next meeting.

Andrew made purchases and decorated around the entrance for the Holiday Season.


Website updates were presented by Matt Thouvenot.

Matt is still in process of creating a “Contact Form” for Residents to be posted on the website.

Matt is still in process of creating a “Sign-Up Form” for committee events to be posted on the website.

Matt has completed the transfer of the website over to a personal server to help with publication of the Savannah Crossing Website.

Neighborhood Watch

Chief David Bradford of the Glen Carbon Police Department spoke on behalf of Sgt. Ned Miller who was not able to be present at the meeting.

Chief Bradford briefly spoke about the following:

Importance of getting to know your neighbors.

Importance of residents to work along with the Police Department.

Importance of having a Phone/Email Tree for the Community to share in case of emergency.

Importance of not hesitating to call the Police about anything you may think is minor and to follow your intuition.

Pamphlets were left for the Board to review to help us get started with our neighborhood watch program.

There is a “Free Security Check” and a “Vacation Watch List” available to any resident’s home by the Glen Carbon Police Department.  The “Free Security Check” is where an officer will come to your home and show you different ways to protect your home. The “Vacation Watch List” will alert the Police Department that you will be out of town and a police officer will do a walk around your home once a day, while you are away. An appointment needs to be made with Sgt. Ned Miller at the Police Department.

Covenants and Restrictions Violations

Covenants and Restrictions Violations were presented by Alex Rigoni.

A letter was mailed to a homeowner, who is in violation of the covenant, by having a POD in their driveway, for an extended period of time. The letter was created and mailed, by Attorney Ron Lowery, on Friday 9/22/10, giving the homeowner 14 days from the date of the letter to rectify the situation.  The Board only recently received a copy of the letter. It was voted on by the Board to begin the lien process.  Alex will contact Attorney Ron Lowery to begin the procedure.  All costs pertaining to this legal procedure will be the responsibility of the homeowner.

A Gardening & Composting issue was presented by Alex Rigoni on behalf of several homeowners.

A violation letter has been drafted to be sent by certified mail to two homeowners who have their gardens placed near the property line.  One of these homeowners have uncontained composting which has caused offensive odors to nearby neighbors. These homeowners will have till Spring (April 1st) to move the gardens 20 feet from the property line and contain their composting.

RLP Granting Variances to Builders w/o SC HOA Approval was presented by Alex Rigoni.

Ron Lowery informed the Board that the developer controls the architectural as long as there are lots for sale.  This committee is responsible for lots prior to the time occupancy permits are granted by Glen Carbon.  See paragraph 5 of the covenants.  Also, under paragraph 6 of the Covenants, a Lot owner may apply to the committee and Glen Carbon for a variance in order to exceed the maximum square footage.  The architectural committee formed by the HOA has responsibility for those lots which have been issued an occupancy permit.

Ron Lowery informed the Board that about the drainage issues, this is a matter to be taken up with the lot owner or the builder.  The developer does not approve or allow variances for elevation.  It was suggested that the HOA’s architectural committee should address such problems directly with the homeowner.

Alex will contact Ron Lowery to find out who our architectural committee is and if the Board should be forming its own committee.

Miscellaneous Items

The Board voted and approved to have a drawing of all residents who attend every meeting during the year to get to have their HOA dues ($50) waived for the following year of 2012 (Motion to be approved by Emily-Seconded by Aaron). Only one name will be drawn.

The Board voted and approved that all violation letters be mailed certified and to use a standard form letter for first and second offense violations (Motion to be approved by Sherri-Seconded by Nancy).

Meeting was adjourned at 9:33pm.

A date for the next meeting has been set for March 1st, at the Glen Carbon Community Center and it will be advertised on both the marquee and the website in advance.  The Board meets on the first Tuesday of the last month of the quarter.

March 1st, June 7th, September 6th, December 6th