TOPIC SUMMARY: Board Election, Budget, Covenants, Dues, Fountain, Insurance, Landscaping, Meeting Planning, Notices, Participation, Social Events, Speed Limits, Violations, Website, Welcoming Baskets, Yard Sales
March 1, 2011 (Tuesday)
Location: Glen Carbon Community Center in Glen Carbon, IL
Vice President Aaron Heepke called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m.
Aaron Heepke, Vice President
Sherri Guardiola, Secretary
Marla Stermon, Treasury
EmilyThouvenot, Board Member
Andrew Chitwood, Board Member
Nancy Dunn, Board Member
Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster
Alex Rigoni, President
Carrie Cohan, Board Member
Marty Rhine, Board Member
Jamie McKillips (Social Committee-Chair)
Susan Foster-Dixon (Welcome Committee-Co-Chair)
Jason & Chelsea Baughman
Scott Schmidt
Dan McKillips
Covenants and Restrictions Violations
Board received a copy of the letter that was mailed to homeowner on 9/29/10 by Attorney Ron Lowery
Board mailed a second certified letter to the homeowner. After three attempts from the Postal Service, it was returned to the address of Sherri Guardiola. Sherri then, hand delivered the certified letter to the homeowner and got a signature. No attempt to move the POD has been made.
Violation Letters
Three violation letters were mailed by certified mail in December
Minutes from December 11, 2010, were read by Aaron Heepke, Vice-President. (Motion to be approved by Nancy Dunn and Seconded by Emily Thouvenot)
Treasury Report:
The Treasury Report was presented by Marla Stermon, Treasury.
Balance as of 2/15/11 was $2,093.00
Marla and Sherri will begin working on the invoices for the HOA Dues, which will come due on April 30th.
It was agreed that invoices would be hand delivered with an additional posting on the Marque, the Website, and Email.
Welcome Committee:
Welcome Committee update was presented by Susan Foster-Dixon, Co-Chair.
A financial proposal for 2011 was presented:
A decision was made to purchase welcome baskets at a cost of 6 for $15.99 ($2.67 per basket) minus shipping costs.
A folder will be placed in the welcome basket, which will include information regarding Savannah Crossing and other local resource information.
A wine bottle lamp will be made and donated to each basket by Susan Foster-Dixon as a welcoming gift to new homeowners.
It was suggested that the proposed $10 gift card to a local retailer not be placed in the basket at this time. This proposal could be revisited later in the year, when the HOA Account has accumulated more funds.
Grass and cellophane wrap will be used to complete the overall basket.
It was estimated that each completed basket would cost $13.67.
A motion was made by Nancy Dunn, and Seconded by Emily Thouvenot, to approve and present the Welcome Committee with a budget of $275 for the year, which could be revisited later in the year, when the HOA Account has accumulated more funds.
Social Committee:
Social Committee update was presented by Jamie McKillips, Chair.
The proposed “Poker Night” has not yet been implemented by the Social Committee.
The proposed “Book Club” was not very successful. Only two people responded. It was decided that another attempt would be made when the weather gets warmer, using more publicity.
The proposed “Bunco Night” was not very successful. Only three people responded. It was decided that another attempt would be made when the weather get warmer, using more publicity and more explanation of what Bunco is.
Jamie stated that Alex Rigoni has agreed to host the Block Party again this year. It was suggested that Alex bring Jamie on board to help host this event, so she can learn what is involved for future Social Committee hosting. The date for the Block Party has been set for Saturday, June 4th from 3:00pm to?
The Spring Yard Sale will be hosted by the Social Committee on April 15th, 16th, & 17th. It was suggested that both Emily Thouvenot and Carrie Cohan work with Jamie, since they hosted the Fall Yard Sale. This is an event that the Social Committee will host in the future.
A motion was made by Sherri Guardiola, and Seconded by Andrew Chitwood, to approve and present the Social Committee with a budget of $400 for the year, which could be revisited later in the year, when the HOA Account has accumulated more funds. This should cover the cost of both the Block Party and the Spring Yard Sale.
Landscaping Committee:
Landscaping Committee update was presented by Andrew Chitwood, Chair
The committee will be contacting the sprinkler system company on a date to start up the fountain again (approx. 2-4 weeks)
The committee will contact the landscaping company on a date to begin work again.
The committee is going to check on pricing for a timer for the fountain in order to conserve water and keep the cost of running the fountain at a minimum.
The committee plans to mulch around the trees and around the fountain.
A motion was made by Emily Thouvenot, and Seconded by Aaron Heepke, to approve and present the Landscaping Committee with a budget of $100 for the year, which could be revisited later in the year, when the HOA Account has accumulated more funds.
Website Updates were presented by Matt Thouvenot, Webmaster.
Both Committee Contact Forms and Committee Events Sign-Up Forms have been added to the website.
Matt is still working on adding the community database to the website to be viewed and used only by Board Members and specified Committee Members, so that all members are using the same updated database.
Matt is building a new template for our website.
Matt will post the Fall Yard Sale on the website for Friday/Saturday, August 12th/13th.
A motion was made by Nancy Dunn, and Seconded by Marla Stermon, to approve and present the Webmaster with a budget of $14.95 per year for a Dynamic DNS Service for our website.
Savannah Crossing Insurance:
Carrie Cohan was not present to present information on Monument Insurance.
A guest, Scott Schmidt, offered some insight as to getting Liability Insurance for the subdivision, which would include the Board of Directors as well as the Monument. Scott has agreed to bring some estimates to us at our next meeting. Also, Aaron/Alex will check with R.P. Lumber to see where we stand on this issue.
Neighborhood Watch:
Alex was not present to present information on the Neighborhood Watch Program (Tabled till next meeting)
POD Issue:
The POD has been removed from the residents property, so no action needs to be taken at this time.
Special Meeting:
A “ Special Meeting” will be called to discuss increasing our HOA dues from $50 to $75 per year. Aaron/Alex are going to contact Ron Lowery for protocol.
A “Special Meeting” will be called to discuss making the following changes to the Savannah Crossing HOA Covenant.
Solar Panels
Wooden Fences
In Ground Pools
Speed Limits Signs:
A resident asked about getting speed limit signs in our subdivision. Aaron/Alex are going to investigate.
Ballots for Election:
The secretary, Sherri Guardiola has been asked to organize “Ballots” for an election for all nine positions on the Board of Directors. Sherri is going to investigate the protocol.
Board Secretary, Sherri Guardiola has given her resignation. Her last day will be Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Advertise for replacement
Attendance Prize Raffle:
A drawing will be held for Homeowners who attend all four Board Meetings for the year. The winner of the drawing will have dues waived for the entire year.
Meeting to be adjourned at approximately 9:50pm
A date for the next meeting has been set for September 6th, at the Glen Carbon Community Center and it will be advertised on both the marquee and the website in advance. The Board meets on the first Tuesday of the last month of the quarter.
June 7th, September 6th, December 6th