TOPIC SUMMARY: Dues, Insurance, Meeting Planning, Notices, Officer Roles, Website
President Alex Rigoni called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Alex Rigoni, President
Marty Rhine, Board Member
Marla Stermon, Treasury
Matt Thouvenot, Webmaster
Emily Thouvenot, Board Member
Andrew Chitwood, Board Member
Carrie Cohan, Board Member
Mike Cohan
Proof of Notice of Meeting or Waiver of Notice:
Meeting notice sent out on 3/27/11 via marquees
Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting:
Skipped due to nature of special meeting
Reports of Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer):
Skipped due to nature of special meeting
Reports of Committees:
Jamie McKillips to step down as Social Committee Chair (moving)
Secretary Position:
Sherri Guardiola stepped down from her position as secretary
No current board members interested in filling role
Marty Rhine’s neighbor is interested
Will fill position at annual meeting on 6/4/11 along with general elections for all positions
Alex Rigoni also to act as secretary in interim
Motion to purchase insurance was passed
Property and liability insurance purchased for $1309 per year
Dues Increase:
Modifying dues from $50 to $75 will be put to vote at annual meeting / block party on 6/4/11
Block Party:
Block party to be held on 6/4/11
Block party and annual meeting will be held coincident moving forward
Matt Thouvenot to give select board members dbase access
Matt Thouvenot to train select board members on sending mass communications emails
Other outstanding HOA items tabled until Fall meeting:
Neighborhood Watch
Solar Panels
Wooden Fences
Speed Limit Signs
Future Meetings:
Future meetings laid out according to the following schedule: budgeting meeting to be held in late January/early February; annual meeting to be held in June; wrap up meeting to be held in late October/early November
Dates for this year’s meeting are as follows: annual meeting will be held on 6/4/11; wrap up meeting will be held on 10/4/11
Meetings scheduled for 6/7/11, 9/6/11, and 12/6/11 are to be cancelled
Next year’s meetings are tentatively scheduled for 2/7/12, 6/8/12, and 10/30/12
Election of Directors (if applicable):
Annual elections to be held at annual meeting on 6/4/11
Matt Thouvenot volunteered to make ballots
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM by Alex Rigoni