TOPIC SUMMARY: Board Election, Bylaws, Covenants, Dues, Notices
August 9, 2011 Election & Meeting
Written by Jan Stephenson
August 12, 2011
President Alex Rigoni called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.
Andrew Chitwood, Board Member
Carrie Cohan, Board Member
Aaron Heepke, Vice President
Alex Rigoni, President
Stacey Ritter, Board Member
Jan Stephenson, Secretary
Marla Stermon, Treasurer
Matt Thouvenot, Webmaster
Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting:
Skipped due to election
Reports of Officers:
Skipped due to election
Reports of Committees:
Skipped due to election
Old Business:
Skipped due to election
Fourteen lots were represented at the election. The Secretary verified the number of ballots and tallied the votes; the President and Vice President confirmed the voting results. The 10 Nominees listed on the ballots were elected to the Board of Directors. New and returning Board members are: Andrew Chitwood, Carrie Cohan, Aaron Heepke, Alex Rigoni, Stacey Ritter, Jan Stephenson, Marla Stermon, Matthew Thouvenot, Tyler Winters and Lindsey Wulfing. Individual roles will be finalized within the next 10 days.
The Treasurer informed the Board that 5 lots are still in arrears for the 2011 Homeowners Association Fee. 3 lots belong to builders, 1 lot is owned by a current resident, and 1 lot is owned by a former resident who has moved. Numerous letters have been sent requesting payment. One final attempt will be made to contact them. If payments are not received, the Board will determine the appropriate action to be taken.
The Vice President reported that a resident verbally relayed a complaint and requested assistance from the Board to resolve the matter. Motion was made to review any complaints for possible action only after a written grievance is received by the Board; motion was seconded.
The President requested the Board address and resolve inconsistencies between the Bylaws and the Covenants at the next Board meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.