March 20, 2012 Meeting Minutes

TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Budget, Bylaws, Drainage, Dues, Flags, Fountain, Insurance, Landscaping, Meeting Planning, Mowing, Notices, Tax Filings, Trash, Village-wide HOA Meeting, Website, Welcoming Baskets, Yard Sales

March 20, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
Author:  Jan Stephenson, Secretary


March 20, 2012
Meeting held at 7010 Richmond Drive

President Alex Rigoni called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm

Barb Anderson
Andy Chitwood
Towanda Daniel & Gwen Abrams
Aaron Heepke
Deb LaBrie
Jesse Moore
Alex Rigoni
Jan Stephenson
Marla Stermon
Matthew Thouvenot
Tyler & Nicole Winters
Lindsey Wulfing



Minutes from October 11, 2011 meeting approved as read


PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  On 3/14/2012, President Alex Rigoni and Vice President Aaron Heepke attended a meeting called by the Mayor of Glen Carbon, Rob Jackstadt.  The purpose of the meeting was to open the lines of communication between the Village and the various homeowners associations within Glen Carbon.  Introductions were made among the Village officials and representatives of homeowners associations.  Names, email addresses, and phone numbers were exchanged in hopes of starting a Q&A type forum (via blog, email, etc.).  Copies of Bylaws of the Village of Glen Carbon were disseminated at that meeting.  The Glen Carbon website address is This link will be added to the Savannah Crossing website as well.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Marla Stermon reported that one home construction company is still in arrears for 2011 Annual Dues.  President Rigoni will contact the subdivision developer to see if he can encourage payment to be made. The account balance in the SC HOA bank account is $2,082.29.



SOCIAL COMMITTEE:  Social Director Lindsey Wulfing reported that the SC Garage Sale will be held on April 20, 21 and 22.  Signage will be posted at SC entrances and prominent area locations. A posting will be placed on  Brief discussion occurred regarding the possibility of movie nights and fall festival using a limited budget.  It was suggested that a possible location for the 2012 block party is the fountain entrance to SC and the adjacent vacant land. Follow-up suggestion was made to perhaps involve the subdivision developer, home construction companies and to hold Open Houses on the same date.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE:  Communications Director Tyler Winters suggested that informal, monthly meetings of the Board be held to facilitate information flow among Committees and the Board and to keep ideas moving along.  He noted that if marquee board messages are needed, requests should be sent to him by email.

LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE:  Landscaping Director Andy Chitwood reported that the new flags have arrived and will be installed in the near future.  After the 2012 Budget is finalized, he will develop a schedule for fountain maintenance, mulching, planting, and grounds maintenance.  Hawkeye Irrigation will service the fountain pump for the season.

WEBSITE COMMITTEE:    Website Director Matt Thouvenot reported that DNS service for the year is $14.95 and turned in the receipt to the Treasurer for reimbursement.




RATIFICATION OF BYLAWS: Secretary Jan Stephenson passed around a copy of the old Bylaws, a copy of the newest revisions to the Bylaws and a final version of the Bylaws for signature by the Board and Directors.  Following the 12/13/2011 emailing of revised Bylaws to Members for their review, one change was suggested. It was suggested that the annual budget should be approved at an early-year Board Meeting instead of waiting until the mid-year Annual Meeting.  That change was incorporated into the revised Bylaws. Motion was made to ratify the Revised Bylaws, and all Members present were unanimous in their consent to ratify, none opposed.  Following signature by all of the Board and Directors, the revised Bylaws will be placed on file with the Village of Glen Carbon and will also be available on the SC HOA website for review and printing if desired.

APPROVAL OF 2012 SC HOA BUDGET: A general discussion of 2012 expenses followed.

  • Treasurer Marla Stermon stated that she received notice from J&K Turf Pro that the mowing cost will increase to $95 per visit (up $20 from 2011), due to increased gasoline costs and other expenses.  Assuming 20 mowings, the 2012 cost is expected to increase a total of $400.  The Board might look into rebidding the job for 2013, but J&K Turf Pro was by far the lowest bidder during the last round of bidding.
  • Landscaping Director Andy Chitwood reported that the SC HOA could save approximately $250 in electricity costs if the fountain timer/shut off were utilized.  The savings could help offset the increase in grass mowing costs.  Andy has the timer in his possession.
  • Suggestion was made to use those savings to change out the flowers at the fountain 3 times per year, resulting in a fresh, well-kept entrance.

Discussion was held regarding welcoming baskets for new neighbors. The consensus was to budget $50 for welcoming baskets, until such time as homebuilding increases in SC. The final budget numbers were read, that included a planned surplus of $300 for the year.  Motion was made to approve the 2012 Budget; the Budget was approved unanimously by all Members present, none opposed.  The 2012 Budget is attached below.

2012 Savannah Crossing HOA Budget
Estimated Income from Dues $  6,625.00

115 homeowner lots, 35 RLP lots

Committee Item Amount
Treasury Insurance $ 1,320.00
Utilities $ 1,250.00
Secretary Stationary/Toner $   100.00
Postage $     75.00
Landscaping Lawn Care $ 2,150.00
Mulch $     50.00
Light Bulbs $   200.00
Flags $   110.00
Sprinkler Maintenance $   150.00
Tree Replacement $   475.00
Webmaster DNS Service $     15.00
Welcoming Baskets $     25.00
Goodies $     25.00
Social Block Party $   280.00
Garage Sale $               –
Fall Festival $   100.00
Easter Egg Hunt $          –
Movie Nights $          –
Safety N/A $          –
Communication N/A $          –
Total $  6,325.00
Surplus (Shortfall)


Communications Director Tyler Winters proposed the creation of a volunteer clean-up crew for the neighborhood.  The first outing would be held on Saturday 3/24/2012 with the crew meeting at the fountain.  Clean up would last no longer than one hour and would consist of such activities as cleaning up litter from streets, empty lots, drains, fountain, gutters, general cleanup, raking mulch, etc. The all-volunteer clean-up crew would meet once each month for the general improvement of the entire neighborhood.  Emails will be sent in advance of outings.

General water/landscaping concerns:

  • House in the 3000 block of Atlanta Drive – sump is constantly running and eroding the street
  • Street in front of 7046 Augusta Drive – street is leaching water (potential pipe leak?)
  • Common area behind 7027 Gable Court – issue with storm sewer backing up and flooding surrounding area

Suggestion was made to add our SC HOA website information to the wooden signs at the subdivision entrances.  Everyone agreed this was a good idea and will be done in the near future.

Treasurer will send out notices of 2012 Annual Dues the last week of March 2012.  Payment is due by April 30, 2012.

The SC HOA 2011 Tax filing will be made by the last week of March 2012.

The SC HOA insurance policy premium of $1317 was paid by Treasurer on 3/20/2012.

Discussion was held and any Officer can answer the HOA email inquiries.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:32 pm.