June 23, 2012 Meeting Minutes

TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Board Election, Dues, Flags, Fountain, Lighting, Theft, Violations, Yard Sales

June 23, 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes & Election of New Board
Written by Jan Stephenson, June 24, 2012


President Alex Rigoni called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.


Andrew Chitwood, Director Landscaping Committee
Aaron Heepke, Vice President
Alex Rigoni, President
Stacey Ritter, Director Welcoming Committee
Jan Stephenson, Secretary
Matt Thouvenot, Webmaster
Lindsey Wulfing, Director Social Committee

Introductions were given by all attendees.


Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting: Minutes were approved as read.

Reports of Officers:

President’s Report: Thanks and recognition were given to the hosts of the 2012 Annual Meeting and Block Party, Edward and Kristyanna Galasso

Treasurer’s Report: Nine homeowners have not paid their 2012 Annual Dues. Final notice letters will be sent by Certified Mail. If payment is not received by July 31, 2012, a lien may be filed on the property. Current balance in the HOA account is $5,969.17.

Secretary’s Report: 13 homes participated in the Spring Neighborhood Yard Sale on April 20-22, 2012 and many homeowners reported a successful event.

Reports of Committees:

Landscaping – The fountain/flagpole/lighting issues are resolved at the entrance to Savannah Crossing.

Social – One yard sale sign was stolen in April; two signs remain for the next yard sale.


NEW BUSINESS: ELECTION of New Board Officers and Directors

Twenty lots were represented and submitted votes.  The Secretary verified the number of ballots and tallied the votes; the President and Vice President confirmed the voting results. The six Nominees listed on the ballots were elected to the Board of Directors.  Returning Board members are:  Carrie Cohan, Aaron Heepke, Alex Rigoni, Jan Stephenson, Matthew Thouvenot and Tyler Winters. Three write-in candidates received votes: Dan Lytle, Jesse Moore and Josh Zipprich. Individual Board roles will be finalized within the next three weeks or sooner.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.