TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Budget, Dog Park, Drainage, Neighborhood Watch, Newsletter, Richmond Entry, Social Events, Stop Signs, Water, Welcoming Baskets
Call to order 7:10pm 9/18/2015
Roll Call: Randy Clements, Mike Homann, Suzanne Tatlici, Megan Mushovic, Matt Thouvenot
No prior minutes to approve
- Pres: vacant
- VP: vacant
- Treasurer: not present
- Sec: not present
Old Business:
Drainage issues: Tyler Winters (RP Lumber) has been working on. Tyler has said they took care of it. Been an issue for 3 years. Mr. Homann has contacted. Three issues. Mr. Homann to call Tyler to get a status update:
- Issue in front has been remedied.
- Issue across the street, no work done.
- Savannah Lake, part of it resolved by retention pond.
New Business:
- Signage. Randy is going to take care of the stop sign and safety signage (Safety)
- Second Entrance. Waiting to get water access (for plants). Still need ideas. Megan to include in the next newsletter and post to Next Door
- Would have to be to one side or the other. Preferably on the right side as you enter.
- Curved stacked stone??
Proposed Landscaping Committee: Tom Irvin, Keith Schwerjohn, Bayram Tatlici, Randy Clements, Mike Homann
Social Committee: not present. Suzanne filling in as best she can.
- Starts at 6pm
- Aaron volunteering screen.
- Board please make yourself available at 5pm at the latest to help set up.
- Newsletter.
- Announce Board
- Chili Contest at Liberty neighborhood
- Scarecrow contest
- Christmas (Holiday!) decoration contest (use outside judges). Deadline. Anonymous. Need a prize!
- Birmingham Porch Crawl
- Non-profit postage – Megan check in on. Might have to apply for a permit.
- Make sure the latest is in the welcoming package.
- Kid Entrepreneurship. Lemonade stands in conjunction with garage sales. May.
- Board Highlight “Kid Alert V.W.S.™ Visual Warning Signal”
- Sorry if you did not get welcomed
- Join Next Door!
- Budget. Print/paper/ink. Submit
- Proposed Dog park. On RLP Development’s site each individual lot is priced on their site. There is a non-buildable lot w. 30-40ft gap. $16,000 in insurance/year for front. More research needs to be done.
- Neighborhood Watch. Is a separate organization. Would have to choose between Neighborhood Watch vs. Glen Carbon Police protection. Randy recommends that we comply with local policy. Need to pick a date to set up a meeting.
- Signage. Check with Danny regarding speed bump. Need to price out No Soliciting and Children at Play. Get more little green guys signs.
- Re-instated position on Board
- Add covenants and bylaws
- Add latest newsletter
- Inquire with Aaron on Welcoming budget – Suzanne
- Add Next Door invitation
Proposed to increase Social budget in order to cover costs for additional attractions during Spring Easter event that is not currently budgeted.
- Homann – work with “landscaping committee”
- Suzanne work with Dawn on needs for Fall Party
Date on which these minutes were approved: 10/13/15