TOPIC SUMMARY: Board Election, Drainage, No Soliciting Signs, Richmond Entry, Street Signs, Trash Containers
Minutes of Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association
Meeting of Board of Directors and Committee Heads
May 25, 2016
Call to Order: A Board Meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the meeting room of the Glen Carbon Police Department on May 25, 2016. The meeting convened at 6:03 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.
Roll Call:
- Board Members Present:
- Randy Clements
- Aaron Heepke
- Mike Homann
- Megan Irvin
- Jan Stephenson
- Matt Thouvenot
- Board Members Absent:
- Dawn Dimitroff
- Jake Snyder
- Suzanne Tatlici
- Tyler Winters
Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes: Not Applicable. Due to lack of a quorum, no business was conducted.
Reports of Officers:
- President
- Secretary: Official resignation from Board as of 6/11/2016 (moving)
- Treasurer
Reports of Committees:
- Communications
- Landscaping: Deferred until next meeting
- Safety: Deferred until next meeting
- Social: Block Party/Annual Election is Sat 6/11/16
- Webmaster
Old Business:
- Drainage issues: Developer will take care of known drainage issues when it dries out
- Update on planning second Richmond entry: Suggestion made to plant trees and save up money until next year
- Update on No Soliciting signs: Signs have been posted near both entrances to subdivision. Homeowners may inform solicitors that they are in violation of Village rules
- Update on new street signs: Mike Homann will meet with vendor week of June 6th
New Business:
- New stop signs: Installed by the Village today 5/25/16
- Letter to residents about new trash containers being kept out of view and not permitting grass clippings on roads: Megan (Mushovic) Irvin will send out letter to all homeowners
- Submission of candidates for new board: Jan Stephenson will sent out email to homeowners, soliciting candidates for election and Suzanne Tatlici will follow up on FB and NextDoor
- Election of new Board at Block Party: Jan Stephenson will provide sign in sheet, ballots, pens and ballot box
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm