Topic Summary: Covenants, fall festival, Fences, holiday light contest, Mowing, Street Signs, Website
Call to Order: A Board Meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the Glen Carbon Public Library on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016. The meeting convened at 6:27 pm. President Mike Homann Presiding.
Roll Call:
Board Members Present:
- Mike Homann, President
- Blake Berner, Vice President
- Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
- Megan Irvin, Secretary, Co-Communications Director
- Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster
Board Members Absent:
- Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
- Randy Clements, Safety Director
- Dawn Dimitroff, Social Director
- Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director, Co-Communications Director
Neighborhood Attendees: N/A
Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes:
Reports of Officers:
- President: Signs installed. Street repairs done.
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Reports of Committees:
- Communications
- Landscaping
- Safety
- Social
- Webmaster: Inquiry on upcoming events for website
- Welcoming
Old Business:
- Drainage issues
- Richmond entry
- Savannah entry
- Street signs; Obtained additional bids. Will pursue in new year.
New Business:
- Winter Light Contest: Proposed for Judging on 12/18. Submissions due 12/11. Board approved to supply gift card for 1st place
- Fall Party Details: October 22nd 5-8pm
- C&R Amendments: Amendments include above ground pool restrictions, basketball hoops, signs clarification. Any amendment would require a two-thirds vote in favor of the subdivision. Proposal to review in next meeting.
- Grass cutting responsibilities: In response to email to board, strip of grass between SC home and cornfield is the responsibility of the farmer, who is RLP. Will reach out to RLP to include the strip between the cornfield and homes.
- Fence infraction process: Architectural Committee to manage and complete due diligence.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, 6 pm at Glen Carbon Public Library.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:27 pm