Topic Summary: Covenants Amendments, Covenants Variance, holiday light contest, Lighting, Mowing, Richmond Entry, Social Events, Welcoming Baskets
Call to Order: A Board Meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the Glen Carbon Public Library on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The meeting convened at 6:10 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.
Roll Call:
Board Members Present:
- Mike Homann, President
- Blake Berner, Vice President
- Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
- Megan Irvin, Secretary, Co-Communications Director
- Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster
- Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
- Randy Clements, Safety Director
- Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director, Co-Communications Director
Board Members Absent:
- Dawn Dimitroff, Social Director
Neighborhood Attendees:
- Dawn and Sherri Guardiola
Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes:
Reports of Officers:
- President: Richmond Entry status. To discuss final details in new year
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Reports of Committees:
- Communications: Moving forward with Winter Lights contest 12/18
- Landscaping: Adding commercial lighting to Savannah Entrance
- Safety: Would like to look into additional street lighting
- Social: Next social event is Easter (4/16/17)
- Webmaster
- Welcoming: Welcome baskets planned to deliver this upcoming weekend
Old Business:
- Winter Light Contest: Board approved prize of $50 to local restaurant
- Grass Cutting Responsibilities: Mike Homann to make contact with mowing company
New Business:
- Clinton and Brooke Frye Fence Proposal: Alexandria Dr. as brought forth by the Architectural Committee the Fryes want to install a tan color fence to match the motif of their house. All fences must be white or wrought iron as dictated in the C&Rs. The board voted to deny this request.
- C&R Amendments: Proposed changes:
- Section 5: Change that any variance needs to be approved by the Village of Glen Carbon and the homeowners Architectural Committee.
- Section 6: Add no above ground pools will be permitted, even if partially buried. Add any pools and/or hot tubs need to be approved by the homeowners Architectural Committee.
- Section 10: Change to exclude wood as an acceptable material for the use of fences.
- Will communicate to the sub-division that these changes will be voted on at upcoming HOA meeting (Wed 3/14). Will follow up as needed via google form and door-to-door for quorum.
Next Meeting: January 10, 2016 (Tuesday) 6 pm at Glen Carbon Senior Center.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.