March 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Topic Summary: Basketball Hoops, Children at Play, Covenants, Dog Park, Dog Poop, Dues, Easements, Easter Egg Hunt, Neighborhood Watch, Street Signs, Website, Yard Sales

Call to Order: A Board Meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the Glen Carbon Senior Center on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. The meeting was convened at 6:05 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.

Roll Call:

Board Members Present:

  • Mike Homann, President
  • Blake Berner, Vice President
  • Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
  • Megan Irvin, Secretary, Co-Communications Director
  • Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster

Board Members Absent:

  • Dawn Dimitroff, Social Director
  • Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
  • Randy Clements, Safety Director
  • Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director, Co-Communications Director

Neighborhood Watch Program: Glen Carbon Police Department presented on the advantages of the Neighborhood Watch and general tactics to help keep the subdivision safe. Next steps in order to officially become a Neighborhood watch subdivision:

  • Assign One (1) Main NW Captain (proposed current Safety Chair Randy Clements)
  • Assign Block Captains; NW contacts of each block or “area” of Savannah Crossing. Accepting volunteers!

Once we submit our Captains the GCPD will install two (2) Neighborhood Watch signs (1 at each entrance) in addition to offer additional surveillance and assistance should any “abnormal” activity occur.

Vacation Watch: Glen Carbon PD also reminds us not to forget about the Vacation Watch program, which is available regardless if you are a Neighborhood Watch subdivision or not. By submitting a Vacation Watch Request form the Police Department will be able to contact you or your representative in the event of an emergency as well as provide spot checks of your residence during your absence.

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

Reports of Officers:

  • President: Village Board member contacted regarding 125th Glen Carbon Celebration. Will discuss further in upcoming HOA meeting.
  • Secretary: Inaugural Winter Lights Contest Results

Treasurer: Due letters will be going out in the next upcoming weeks. Still $75/year. Potential projects to include: New Street Signs, Richmond Entrance.

Reports of Committees:

  • Communications: Spring Yard Sale April 7th & 8th
  • Landscaping
  • Safety
  • Social: Easter Egg Hunt April 9th (Sunday) *TBC*
  • Webmaster: Upcoming domain maintenance
  • Welcoming

Old Business:

  • C&R Amendments: no questions

New Business:

  • Sign Clarification: Will send out clarification regarding sign policy
  • Selective Enforcement: Residents have expressed that the board is being selective in what covenants and restrictions they choose to enforce. The board plans to address in three ways:
    • Educating the Neighborhood on C&Rs as not all neighbors are aware of what and where these can be found. This will include making sure each new resident gets a welcome basket in a timely manner.
    • Encourage that residents notify the board at of any C&R violations or any questions they have so that we can act and document accordingly. Note the board does not patrol the neighborhood so we rely on all residents to keep us aware of any issues.
  • Children at Play: Please remember to slow down in the neighborhood as there tends to be children at play. And Likewise, would like to remind parents to educate their children as to not cause a hindrance to their neighbors. Jennifer Hightower of 6993 Augusta asks as a courtesy to please watch your children in the streets on Augusta. There have been episodes of trespassing, trash as well as instances that she is unable to access her driveway from the street due to children at play (tee-ball stand, bases, hockey goals).
  • Easement Properties: Empty easement properties (lots 5 and 37) are buildable lots. The board has no intention of repurposing as these lots are buildable, you just can’t build on the easement itself.
  • Children’s Park/Dog park: The board has explored this option previously but unfortunately since it was not considered at the inception of the subdivision it makes incorporating very difficult for the following reasons:
    • Lot Costs: The developer is willing to “work with us” as a board, however lots still cost ~$60,000. We do not have enough money unless we consider raising dues considerably.
    • Insurance Costs: The cost to insure such a space is significantly more than the common area (grass areas by Old Troy Rd and Bike Trail entrances)
    • Board Commitment: We have empty spots on the board currently and adding a dog park would arguably require another position to be added to the board in order to maintain the park.
  • Basketball Hoops: Some basketball hoops are currently located in empty lots and additionally currently tilted over. Basketball hoops need to be located on said resident’s lot and maintained appropriately. Will communicate or reach out directly.
  • In-ground Basketball Hoop: A resident inquired if they needed to submit their plans for an in-ground basketball hoop to the Architectural Committee. They do indeed and may do so by emailing the board at
  • Dog Poop: A resident has complained about *ample* amounts of dog poop being left in their yard. Not even in the empty lot next to them but IN THEIR YARD. Dog poop should ALWAYS be picked up, regardless if the lot is owned or empty. Board to send communication. Please respect your neighbors by empty lots and by bike trail and in general.

Next Meeting: April 5th 2017 (Wednesday) 6pm at Glen Carbon Community Center

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm