June 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: The meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held on Thursday, June 14th, 2018 at the Glen Carbon Community Center. The meeting convened at 7:01 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.

Roll Call:

Board Members Present:

  • Mike Homann, President
  • Megan Irvin, Secretary
  • Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
  • Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director

Board Members Absent:

  • Blake Berner, Vice President
  • Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
  • Randy Clements, Safety Director
  • Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster

Neighborhood Attendees:

  • See attached sign in sheet

Unable to approve prior meeting minutes (quorum)

Reports of Officers:

  • President; Sign Posts that were ordered through RP Lumber was supposed to arrive 2-3 weeks ago. Mike called to check the status and we are waiting for an update. Signage should be in the middle of June. Ordered 7 posts as first installment.
  • Secretary; HOA Board Election Vote – Electronic vote closes on Sunday. Paper ballots are also available today.
  • Treasurer; Account Balance and update on dues payments.

Reports of Committees:

  • Landscaping; Sub-Division Beautification. Proposes to plant trees throughout sub-division, not just on old troy road but down each road. Will beautify neighborhood and also help break some of the strong winds.
    • Would execute as grant program. Any one that is willing to participate; the participant and the HOA would agree on a location, the HOA would contribute a specified amount towards tree and otherwise the tree is the resident’s responsibility and liability.
    • Budget and 50/50 grant we could get all of Savannah and Richmond lined.
    • Terra properties advised to check with easement plats and to work with Glen Carbon.
  • Welcoming;
    • Welcoming Baskets;
      • Same issues as before.
      • In regards to updated lot owners; Terra Properties is concerned that the Title Companies are not always contacting them and thus she is unable to pass along.
      • Terra Properties will send latest list to compare to current list.
  • Terra Update; No mention of Savannah Crossing HOA other than C&Rs. Cannot find original version of Bylaws.
    • Sherri might have all original minutes and maybe original bylaws. Founded in Feb 2010. Sherri has been in sub-division since 2008.
    • RLP said they could change the C&Rs.

New Business:

  • Street Sign Project Update
  • Richmond Entrance Project Update
  • Q&A
    • Resident Issue. Homeowner behind resident – cuts grass and leaves it in piles towards the back of their yard. There is also a John boat turned over. Both are attracting mice and the grass is emitting an odor. C&Rs says Page 4. No Boat. Laurie to send note regarding boat. Mike to contact village about grass. Inside of his fence.
  • Laurie – light post is missing from new builder’s lot.
  • Also suggested the ACC Committee keeps a log of decisions. Laurie with Terra will help document but decisions are up to ACC.
  • Legal needs to be line item in budget. Total cost estimate was $1,200.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm