Topic Summary: Street Signs, Covenants Amendments, Budget, Landscaping, Safety, Easter Egg Hunt, Block Party, Lots, Sidewalks, Ice, Grading, Maintenance
Call to Order: The meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019. The meeting convened at 6:31 pm, president Mike Homann presiding.
Roll Call:
Board Members Present:
- Mike Homann, President
- Matt Werner, Vice President
- Megan Irvin, Secretary
- Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
- Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director
- Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster
Board Members Absent:
- Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
- Randy Clements, Safety Director
- See attached sign in sheet
Deferred Approving Meeting Minutes
Reports of Officers:
- President; New Street Signs Update
- Placing last order, estimated cost of $6000 and should be installed in about 3 weeks. After the street signs we will turn out efforts towards the entrance for Richmond.
- Still looking into a no-outlet sign for Birmingham Dr post
- Vice President; No architectural committee issues to report
- Secretary; C&R Update
- Finally received the official documentation from Bruce Riedel that RLP approves of the C&R proposed amendments. With that we can FINALLY submit to the city for documentation!
- Treasurer; Budget update
Reports of Committees:
- Communications; Will post 2019 budget vote by proxy for budget since we did not have 10% of subdivision represented at meeting. Those that voted at meeting via paper ballots will still hold.
- Landscaping; To review proposed Grant program as well as additional projects after Richmond entrance.
- Safety; Still investigating Neighborhood Watch and Ring collaboration.
- Social; Easter. Social directors to reach out to Jenna Smith to Coordinate. Will work on dates and communicate to neighborhood.
- Social; Spring Party. General question as to whether it’s best to have one or two parties for the year moving forward.. Trisha and Lynsey to discuss dates. Select 3 and to post to neighborhood to confirm exact date.
- Webmaster: Nothing to report
- Welcoming. Waiting on updated list on Laurie with Terra Properties. 14 new houses that we are aware of.
New Business:
- Sidewalk and erosion maintenance. RLP responded that the erosion caused is the responsibility of the HOA or the homeowner.
- Ice on Savannah. Comes from sump pump – RLP said liability comes from the owner of the lot the lot.
- 6986 Augusta (new build), grading issue. Developer Phase 2 and 3, RLP will correct or make builder correct. Anything in Phase 1, RLP feels that this is no longer their issue.
- Extra lamppost/mailbox spare parts. We have extra spring hinges and magnets for mailboxes if residents need.
- Budget review.
- Extra lot lawn maintenance. Residents reported that lawn mowers state they are not responsible to mow except for one single swipe – which according to resident leaves an excess of grass which is also attracting coyotes. Need to notify RLP to make sure they convey to their lawn mowers.
- Budget votes collected for those in attendance.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm