April 8, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: The meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the Glen Carbon Public Library on Tuesday, April 8th, 2019. The meeting convened at 6:35 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.

Roll Call:

Board Members Present:

  • Mike Homann, President
  • Aaron Heepke, Treasurer
  • Megan Irvin, Secretary
  • Suzanne Tatlici, Welcoming Director
  • Matthew Thouvenot, Webmaster

Board Members Absent:

  • Matt Werner, Vice President
  • Jake Snyder, Landscaping Director
  • Randy Clements, Safety Director
  • Trisha Grandidier, Co-Social Director
  • Lyndsey Tedesco, Co-Social Director

Deferred Approving Meeting Minutes

Reports of Officers:

  • President;
    • Final Sign Installment. Final HOA Sign Installment should be finished up in next couple of days. That concludes the financial commitment for updated street signs for the HOA as this will complete phases 1, 2 and 3. RLP is responsible for the remaining phrases 4, 5 and 6.
  • Vice President; No architectural committee issues to report
  • Secretary; Approved Budget last meeting.
  • Treasurer

Reports of Committees:

  • Communications;
    • Spring Yard Sale; Friday 4/12 and Saturday 4/13. Huntington Crossing across Old Troy road is also participating on the same dates.
    • Glen Carbon Large Trash Pickup; Tuesday 4/16
  • Landscaping
  • Safety
  • Social Easter Egg Hunt postponed Sunday 4/7 due to expected rain. Rescheduled to Sunday 4/14
  • Social
  • Webmaster
  • Welcoming; Welcoming Baskets will resume after dues are paid so we have an updated homes list. Approximately 6 months behind.

New Business:

  • Lot Grading & Drainage Issues. The HOA has received numerous grading and drainage issues with the spring. President Mike Homann has walked the subdivision along with Terra Properties including all reported instances. He and Terra Properties have been in contact with both the village and RLP on all issues. Generally both the village and RLP suggest most issues are the responsibility of the other party which has been difficult to manage. We continue to negotiate with all parties to resolve these issues as well as continue to educate homeowners to do their best to keep drains cleared of debris to facilitate proper drainage.
    • There are three main issues:
    • Gable Ct/Richmond Dr Drainage. Behind the east side houses of Richmond Dr and west side houses of Gable Ct the culvert cannot properly drain. The tile as apart of drainage need to be fixed. Additionally the culvert has moved which has made the dirt fall and created a very large hole that has continued to grow. The recent freeze has made the concrete fall about 1-2 inches. We continue to work with RLP and the village to rectify but ultimately the HOA is prepared to fix as it is a liability. We have reached out to two local contractors, bids ranging from $1500-$2000 to fix.
    • General drainage maintenance. This affects multiple parts of the subdivision which should only require minimal repair and re-grading to surrounding subdivision basins and flumes. We have a quote to of $1600-$1800 depending on time which includes yearly checks and adjustments as needed.
    • Augusta Drainage against Old Troy Rd. Again the water is not properly draining and RLP has accepted responsibility but wants the HOA to help pay. Bids are still to be collected for this project
  • Based on the current budget and pending projects the HOA is concerned about the funds needed to pay for these imminent issues.
  • Motion to incur a one-time special assessment for the sub-division (Mike Homann), Second by (Megan Irvin). With a quorum present at the meeting, all five board members unanimously voted in favor of the special assessment. Thus residents are responsible for a one-time $19 payment to the HOA that the HOA will collect in conjunction with the annual dues to go towards these unforeseen costs.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:33 pm