Call to Order: The meeting of the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association was held at the Glen Carbon Public Library on Monday, July 29th, 2019. The meeting convened at 6:40 pm, President Mike Homann presiding.
Roll Call:
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
Deferred Approving Meeting Minutes
Reports of Officers:
- President;
- Vice President;
- Secretary;
- Treasurer; Budget Update
Reports of Committees:
- Communications; Spring Yard Sale Friday 10/11 & Saturday 10/12 week before Glen Carbon Large Trash Pickup week of 10/14. Contacting HOA of Huntington Place to see if they would like to coordinate dates.
- Landscaping;
- Bid to fix Savannah Crossing entrance monument from Patrick Burns Outdoor Services. $1175 one-time cost and $125 monthly cost going forward for pond maintenance and treatment. In comparison to go pond-less would be a $1400 one-time cost and $60 monthly cost for maintenance. Little bit more upfront cost, little less monthly/maintenance cost. Cost does not include electrical, anything with the pump, plant removal, replacement price. HOA to pay 50% down upfront and the remaining 50% after completion of the project. HOA plans to move forward with pond option of $1175.
- Trail Entrance Parking Lot needs to be re-surfaced. Two bids, both include striping. Aplin Concrete and Steele Coating for $1,250 and G. Eldridge for $1,350. A third bid is pending (Seal King).
- Drainage Issues. Mike to follow up regarding drainage repairs status.
- Safety;
- Putting together newsletter/memo regarding Block Captains in order to roll out Neighborhood Watch program. Making sure everyone is aware of Nest & Ring products, how to register those with the local police departments, etc.
- Social; Fall Block Party proposed Dates 10/6 and 10/13. To post a poll to Facebook group and Nextdoor for best dates.
- Webmaster;
- Welcoming;
New Business:
- Plan to print and bind Covenants and Restrictions and distribute to all residents with the new C&Rs. Will also print extras for Welcoming baskets. Will plan to distribute Safety newsletter at the same time.
- Phase 4 is starting
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm