February 26, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Posted onTopic Summary: Street Signs, Covenants Amendments, Budget, Landscaping, Safety, Easter Egg Hunt, Block Party, Lots, Sidewalks, Ice, Grading, Maintenance
Topic Summary: Street Signs, Covenants Amendments, Budget, Landscaping, Safety, Easter Egg Hunt, Block Party, Lots, Sidewalks, Ice, Grading, Maintenance
Topic Summary: Fall Yard Sale, Neighborhood Watch, Fall Block Party update, Board Election,
Please Join Us For Some Fall Fun on Saturday, September 9. We’re planning on having a bounce house and a chili cook off. We’ll post more information as the event approaches.
Topic Summary: Street Signs, Dog Poop, Mowing, Neighborhood Watch, Yard Sales, Easter Egg Hunt, Website, Covenants Amendments, Trash, Drainage, Dues, Budget, Block Party, Board Openings, Basketball Hoops, Complaints
Mark your calendars for Fall Fest! Brought to you by your HOA 🙂 Activities include bonfire, s’mores, chili cook-off, face painting, paint your own pumpkin and a movie after dark! Don’t forget your lawn chairs, coolers, and a pumpkin to paint! To enter the chili cook-off, email board@savannah-crossing.com
The annual Block Party of Savannah Crossing was Held today at Birmingham Court, during which ballots were cast for the next Board and Directors for the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association. 18 homes were represented on the sign-in sheet, and 18 ballots were counted. Votes were tallied by the Secretary, verified by the President, and witnessed […]
We will be having a block party on June 11 beginning at 5:00 pm. Everyone in the subdivision is encouraged to attend!
June 11, 2016 The annual Block Party of Savannah Crossing was Held today at Birmingham Court, during which ballots were cast for the next Board and Directors for the Savannah Crossing Homeowners Association. 18 homes were represented on the sign-in sheet, and 18 ballots were counted. Votes were tallied by the Secretary, verified by the […]
TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Budget, Dog Park, Drainage, Neighborhood Watch, Newsletter, Richmond Entry, Social Events, Stop Signs, Water, Welcoming Baskets
TOPIC SUMMARY: Block Party, Fountain, Lawn Care, Speed Limits, Violations, Yard Sales