Subdivision News

Covenants and Restrictions Amendments

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February 10, 2018 Savannah Crossing Homeowners, We would like to inform you that the previous Covenants and Restrictions vote pertaining to disallowing above group pools and disallowing wood as an approved material for fences with the sub-division has officially been approved by a two-thirds majority as of recently communicated our your latest Savannah Crossing HOA Annual Meeting […]

Subdivision News

2018 Dues and Budget Vote

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February 11, 2018 Savannah Crossing Homeowners, We would like to inform you that the recent dues increase and 2018 HOA budget votes both were passed as of today by simply majority. The increased dues of $125 will be in effect with 2018 Dues due at by April 30th and will be used to as decided in the coinciding budget […]

April 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

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Topic Summary: Street Signs, Dog Poop, Mowing, Neighborhood Watch, Yard Sales, Easter Egg Hunt, Website, Covenants Amendments, Trash, Drainage, Dues, Budget, Block Party, Board Openings, Basketball Hoops, Complaints