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HOA Annual Dues are due at the end of the month on 4/30! Late fees will be accessed if paid after 4/30. Make checks payable to “Savannah Crossing HOA” and mail to 110 Executive Drive, Highland, IL 62249 with C/O Laurie (from our HOA Mgmt Company Terra Properties). Credit card and ACH payments are not […]

Subdivision News

2018 Dues and Budget Vote

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February 11, 2018 Savannah Crossing Homeowners, We would like to inform you that the recent dues increase and 2018 HOA budget votes both were passed as of today by simply majority. The increased dues of $125 will be in effect with 2018 Dues due at by April 30th and will be used to as decided in the coinciding budget […]

April 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

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Topic Summary: Street Signs, Dog Poop, Mowing, Neighborhood Watch, Yard Sales, Easter Egg Hunt, Website, Covenants Amendments, Trash, Drainage, Dues, Budget, Block Party, Board Openings, Basketball Hoops, Complaints

Late HOA Dues Lien Deadline

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The regular annual Homeowner’s Association Fee of $75 was due by April 30, 2016. Homeowners who have not yet paid their dues by June 30, 2016 are charged an additional $10 late fee per month. Residences that have not yet come into compliance by July 1, 2016 will incur an additional lien on their property. All homeowners […]

HOA Dues Late Fee Deadline

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The regular annual Homeowner’s Association Fee of $75 was due by April 30, 2016. Homeowners who have not yet paid their dues by June 30, 2016 will be charged an additional $10 late fee per month. Residences that have not yet come into compliance by July 1, 2016 will incur an additional lien on their property. […]

2016 HOA Dues Submission Deadline

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The annual Homeowner’s Association Fee of $75 is be due by April 30, 2016. All homeowners of the Savannah Crossing subdivision have a legal obligation to pay their annual dues, which keep the HOA functioning. The primary purpose of the HOA is to protect the value of your home and the quality of your neighborhood. Your dues […]